Home inspection in Lithia, Florida

Home 9 Service Areas 9 Home inspection in Lithia, Florida
BetterView Home Inspections offers a professional home inspection service in Lithia, Florida.

Lithia is known to have some of best schools in the entire USA. It’s no surprise that people are flocking to this beautiful area in large numbers, and the housing market is growing. That’s why we recommend getting a professional home inspection, to ensure the longevity and increase the desirability of your home.

Houses near water in Lithia Florida
Ceiling inspection by Better View Home Inspections

Reasons to contact BetterView Home Inspections

You want to learn more about home inspections

If it’s your first time ever hearing the term “home inspection”, you’re probably wondering what it is, and how it might be relevant to you? In short – a home inspection is a visual examination of the structure and systems of a building. If you are thinking of buying a home, condo/townhouse, you should have it thoroughly inspected before the final purchase by an experienced and impartial professional inspector. You’re welcome to contact us, and we can explain how it applies in different situations.

You’re looking for a certified and licensed Florida home inspector

You’ve come to the right place. BetterView Home Inspections is run by Fletcher Adams. Fletcher is a certified & licensed Home Inspector in the State of Florida – with the license number #HI12299.

You need a home inspector in either Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco or Polk Counties.

You’re also in the right place for that. At BetterView Home Inspections, we specialize in providing services for those Counties.

You want a professional and experienced home inspector

Through BetterView Home Inspections, you’re sure to receive exactly that. Fletcher has extensive years of experience in the areas of electrical, plumbing, heating and air, roofing, structural, insulation, ventilation, pools and spas. He also makes sure to stay educated regarding any updates in the industry, the latest legislation and regulations, and in general – constantly looking for new ways to improve and become an even better home inspector.

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